Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Sunday, 13 February 2011
Crocheting Rainbows

I'm already attempting to use up some of my absolutely gigantic 'stash' on a round, stripey cushion cover, but there were still several colours just begging to be used, so I got busy making some pretty random colour combinations for my grannies.

I can't urge you enough to join up - even if you only have time to send one square, it will be well received. What are you waiting for? Get hooking!
Monday, 24 January 2011
Stash Busting
I'm halfway through Counting, so hopefully there will be a Finished Project Post coming soon (I haven't managed many of those on this blog so far, have I?!)
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Birthday Crafting
As you know from the previous post, the endless hats and scarves orders have kept me tied to my hooks over the festive period, and with my Mums birthday falling on January 15th, there wasn't a lot of time to spare. So I hooked everywhere, snatching minutes on the sofa in front of the television in the evenings, the odd half an hour in the mornings in my lovely bed before getting up, in Cafe Nero before work started, and even on the bus to work. The pile grew (oooh look - my Cath Kidston Blackberry case crept into the photo - isn't she beautiful? I got her for Christmas)....
Lucy over at Attic24 does a marvelous tutorial on using old jumpers to back crocheted cushion covers, so I decided this would be the best bet - I couldn't bare having to crochet the back as well! Her instructions are so easy to follow, and in typical Attic24 style, there were plenty of pictures for when my brain just said, "hmmmm?" It took a while, and there were a few hairy moments when I was sure the whole thing was just going to look a mess, but after a little construction....
I had bought three cushion innards, so was going to make at least another one cover, and suddenly remembered the patchwork squares I bought from eBay on a complete whim a little while ago. They'd been sitting amongst my fabric stash for months, and I decided it was the perfect time to try out some patchwork (I did actually debate on quilting, but was really running out of time by now!), so I got the machine out and started stitching them together. Luckily, they were pre-cut, so this stage didn't take long at all.
The colours looked so lovely together, and I'm sure it was fate that I had them - my parents sofa is green, and I think green and pink always look perfect side by side! The stitching only took one evening, and then I had my lovely front panel....
They did look better on my Mum's sofa though, and she was ever so, ever so, EVER so, pleased with them. Her face lit up when she opened them and we had a big mother-daughter-squishy hug. She said that she liked them so much more than if I had bought her some, because as well as being beautiful, I had spent time and effort making them. Then we had another hug!
Happy Birthday to my lovely, lovely Mum!
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Satisfied Customers
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
A Crafty Christmas
In my defence, I have been whoppingly busy with my real part-time job, an eternally energetic toddler, and the list of crochet hat-and-scarf orders (not to mention the sheer drudgery and dullness of housework, yawn).
But somehow, after a few late-ish nights and some spells of trying to untangle the Boy from several balls of wool (you've got to love a toddlers fascination with crafts!), I managed to get everything done and dusted. Phew!
I wanted to make some lovely felted tree decorations, and had great plans for applique and blanket stitching around the edges, but sadly only got as far as cutting out the shapes and deciding on the trimmings... I think I'll finish these in the new year anyway - they won't all be overly festive, and I really do think that more is more when it comes to colour and decoration in a home! Hopefully they'll appear in a post of their own very soon! I did make some festive bunting, which stretched across the whole of one wall of the lounge, and I also decided to have a go at machine embroidery, after seeing it on Kirstie's Homemade Home. On the show, she said it was the 'crack-cocaine of crafting' - and I have to say I do tend to agree. I tried it without the embroidery foot and the thread kept getting tangled, and the reverse of my work looked terribly messy, so I ordered the foot online, and the difference was wondrous!
I added some buttons to jazz it up a bit, and was pretty pleased with the result - especially considering it was my first go!
I managed to squeeze in time to make some bows from some wired ribbon I found in the local bargain bookshop.......and I also managed to find the time to do something I've wanted to do for absolutely aaaaages - print my own wrapping paper. I bought some plain brown paper and stamps from hobbycraft (I did want to make my own, but by now it was the week before Christmas and I was starting to panic a little!), and away I went. It's so addictive, and the fact that it's impossible to get it completely perfect only adds to the homemade charm, I think.
There were homemade white chocolate and walnut cookies, recipe courtesy of Decembers issue of Country Homes and Interiors....
....and the whole of the time there was crafting on the inside, there was snow and ice aplenty on the outside....
...but luckily I was snuggled up with the Boy, painting and making everything look lovely. I'm fortunate enough to have an art-loving toddler, so I roped him into a little sparkly painting, which turned out beautifully!
While I was browsing through Twitter, I discovered that Sarah London had posted a really easy, really lovely crochet snowflake pattern, so I got hooking, and came up with a small vertical garland to hang either side of the window.